Sunday, August 7, 2011

In the merit of the Righteous Women ....

 "The Full Redemption will come in the merit of the Righteous Women"

For Torah to be perpetuated among the Jewish people, precedence must be given to Jewish Women .... 

When Ha'Shem told Moshe to prepare the Jews to receive the Torah, He commanded him, "This is what you shall say to the House of Yaakov and speak to the children of Yisrael".

"1 Our Sages explain that the "House of Yaakov" refers to Jewish women,  and "the children of Israel," to the men;

2 Ha'Shem  told Moshe to approach the women first............

Women Must be Conscious of the Mystic Dimension of Judaism .....

A woman is obligated to fulfill the commandment of knowing Ha'Shem, loving Him, fearing Him, and the like. Indeed, the obligation to fulfill these commandments is constant, incumbent upon us every moment of the day.

4 The fulfillment of these mitzvoh ~ commandments ~  is dependent on the knowledge of spiritual concepts as implied by the verse, "Know the G-d of your fathers and serve Him with a full heart."

5 The study of the inner dimension of Torah is necessary to achieve this knowledge.

Shalom Aleichem Transliteration ....

Sha-lom a-lei-chem,
mal-a-chei ha-sha-reit,
mal-a-chei el-yon,
mi-me-lech ma-l'chei ha-m'la-chim,
ha-ka-dosh ba-ruch hu.
Repeat three times

Bo-a-chem l'sha-lom,
mal-a-chei ha-sha-lom,
mal-a-chei el-yon,
mi-me-lech ma-l'chei ha-m'la-chim,
ha-ka-dosh ba-ruch hu.

~ Repeat three times ~ 

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